
My first introduction to Harry Potter almost doesn't count - it was through a Disney Adventures magazine when I was 16. Looking back, I remember that my brothers were just getting into this new thing called "Pokemon" and that my mom had specifically purchased this issue for them because it was a special Pokemon issue and had a giant yellow Pikachu on the cover. Well, at this point in time, I was homeschooled and bored, and totally willing to read anything that wasn't a textbook, so one afternoon I flopped down onto the couch and made my orderly way through the pages, from front to back. Now, the front cover announces a "Sneak Peek" of Harry Potter's 3rd book, but since I didn't know who Harry Potter was, I didn't particularly care. As I made my way through the glossy pages, however, I inevitably came across the excerpt which I would later recognize as the scene in which Professor Trelawney identifies the Grim in Harry's teacup. Remember,...