Sorcerer's Stone: Unanswered Questions

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Jim Kay

I have read Sorcerer's Stone many, many times. However, after my most recent reading, I still have a few questions:
  1. "How did you know it was me?" she asked. "My dear professor, I've never seen a cat sit so stiffly." According to Rowling and Pottermore: "Under the guidance of her inspirational Transfiguration teacher, Albus Dumbledore, [McGonagall] had managed to become an Animagus; her animal form, with its distinctive markings (tabby cat, square spectacles markings around eyes) were duly logged in the Ministry of Magic’s Animagus Registry." If Dumbledore helped McGonagall to become an animagus AND her markings are available for public knowledge ... whey wouldn't Dumbledore recognize her?
  2. Where is Harry during the 24 hours after Voldemort's attack on the Potters? We know that Voldemort attacked the Potter's in Godric's Hollow on Halloween night and, alongside Vernon, we witness the celebratory nature of the wizarding community throughout the day following, but it isn't until THAT night (Nov 1) that Harry is delivered to the Dursleys. So where has he been these last 24 hours? And with whom?
  3. A "Nasty, common name?" Aunt Petunia calls "Harry" a "nasty, common name," but, as Harry is the name of a current crown prince of England, how can the name be considered "common"? 
  4. What is Hagrid knitting? At the train station with Harry, Hagrid knits "what looked like a canary-yellow circus tent" which we never see again. What does he knit and where can I find the pattern?
  5. Has she never been here before? When Harry is trying to figure out where Platform 9 3/4 is, Mrs. Weasley wonders aloud, "Now, what's the platform number?" She has five other sons either in or graduated from Hogwarts, not including her own time there, why doesn't she know the platform number for the Hogwarts Express? Is it new?
  6. Who exactly was the "Greek chappie" who sold Fluffy to Hagrid? If I had to guess I'd say it was either Hercules or Hades, but why would either of them do such a thing? If it wasn't them, then who else could have smuggled that dog out of the underworld? Or, is this dog only related to the Cerberus of Greek myth? This is never explained and it makes me slightly crazy. 
    Jim Kay
  7. Why was the Mirror of Erised stored in an unused classroom? This seems a bit haphazard especially since the room doesn't otherwise appear to have been used for storage. 
  8. Unicorn horns: "It is a monstrous thing to slay a unicorn" says Firenze by way of explanation of the cursed nature of drinking unicorn blood. However, Harry admits to having to using powdered unicorn horn for potions. How is the unicorn horn harvested without first slaying the unicorn? I need this explained. 
  9. Why doesn't Harry EVER question how Dumbledore knows about his cloak? I mean, how?
  10. Why is Peeves so afraid of the Bloody Baron? I think this one is explained later, I just can't remember for certain right now.
  11. How does Voldemort get to Albania? We know from the books that Quirrell meets Voldemort's spirit while travelling through Albania, but I'm curious how Voldemort made it to Albania to begin with. I mean, he was basically a wisp of a soul, a shadow, and he had to rely on possessing the bodies of animals to survive. Did he just jump from one body to another until he came to rest in Albania? And why Albania? I remember that Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem was found in Albania, but it's already been turned into a horcrux and interred in the Room of Requirement by the time Voldemort is defeated by Harry - so why does he head to Albania now? 
  12. How did that first meeting between Voldemort and Quirrell go? Were Voldemort possessed snakes chatting Quirrell up in the local pub?


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